The Enemy of the Good. Towards a Theory of Moral Progress



Rehren, Paul, and Walter Sinnott-Armstrong. “Lessons from Moral Psychology for Moral Philosophy.” In Cambridge Handbook of Moral Psychology, edited by Bertram Malle, and Philip Robbins. Cambridge University Press.


Blunden, Charlie. “It’s Only Natural! Moral Progress Through Denaturalization.” Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy, 29 (2): 219-248 [open access]

Rehren, Paul, and Till Armbruster. “Has philosophy become more ‘Scientific’? A citation analysis.” Synthese, 205: 36 [open access]


Blunden, Charlie, and Benedict Lane. “Vindicating universalism: Pragmatic genealogy and moral progress.” European Journal of Philosophy, July, 1-20. [open access]

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Rehren, Paul. “The effect of cognitive load, ego depletion, induction and time restriction on moral judgments about sacrificial dilemmas: A meta-analysis.” Frontiers in Psychology 15: 1388966. [open access]

Rehren, Paul, and Charlie Blunden. “Let’s Not Get Ahead of Ourselves: We Have No Idea If Moral Reasoning Causes Moral Progress.” Philosophical Explorations. 27 (3): 351-369 [open access]

Rehren, Paul, and Hanno Sauer. “Another Brick in the Wall? Moral Education, Social Learning, and Moral Progress.” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 27: 25-40 [open access]

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Zisman, Valerij, and Paul Rehren. “The Problems of Empirically-Informed Arguments for and against Retributivism.” Review of Philosophy and Psychology. November, 1-27 [open access]


Rehren, Paul, and Walter Sinnott-Armstrong. “How Stable Are Moral Judgments?” Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14: 1377–1403. [open access]

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Blunden, Charlie. “Between Market Failures and Justice Failures: Trade-Offs Between Efficiency and Equality in Business Ethics.” Journal of Business Ethics 178 (3): 647-660. [open access]

Blunden, Charlie, Paul Rehren, and Hanno Sauer. “Implicit Cognition, Dual Process Theory, and Moral Judgment.” In The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Implicit Cognition, edited by J. Robert Thompson, 105–14. Routledge. [here]

Eriksen, Cecilie. “Moral Borderlands: Ethical Normativity in Liminal Spaces.” In New Perspectives on Moral Change—Anthropologists and Philosophers Engage Transformations of Life, edited by Cecilie Eriksen and Nora Hämäläinen. Berghahn Books. [open access]

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Eriksen, Cecilie, and Nora Hämäläinen. “Introduction: Moral Change in Anthropology and Philosophy.” In New Perspectives on Moral Change—Anthropologists and Philosophers Engage Transformations of Life, edited by Cecilie Eriksen and Nora Hämäläinen. Berghahn Books. [open access]

Hopster, Jeroen, Chirag Arora, Charlie Blunden, Cecilie Eriksen, L. E. Frank, Julia Hermann, Michael Klenk, Elizabeth O’Neill, and Steffen Steinert. “Pistols, Pills, Pork and Ploughs: The Structure of Technomoral Revolutions.” Inquiry, July, 1–33. [open access]

Klenk, Michael, Elizabeth O’Neill, Chirag Arora, Charlie Blunden, Cecilie Eriksen, Lily Frank, and Jeroen Hopster. “Recent Work on Moral Revolutions.” Analysis Reviews. 82 (2): 354–66. [here]

Kudlek, Karolina. “Challenges in the human enhancement debate: a critical review.” Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 26 (2): 300–327. [here]

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O’Hara, Neil, Cecilie Eriksen, Julia Hermann, and Nigel Pleasants. “Introduction: On Moral Certainty.” In Philosophical Perspectives on Moral Certainty, edited by Cecilie Eriksen, Julia Hermann, Nigel Pleasants, and Neil O’Hara, 1–19. Routledge. [here]

Sauer, Hanno. “The End of History.” Inquiry, September, 1–25. [open access]


Blunden, Charlie, Cecilie Eriksen, Paul Rehren, and Hanno Sauer. “Moral progress: Recent developments.” Philosophy Compass. e12769. [open access]

Christensen, Anne-Marie Søndergaard, and Cecilie Eriksen. “Each Other’s World, Each Other’s Fate—Løgstrup’s Conception of Basic Trust.” International Journal of Philosophical Studies 29 (1): 24–43. [here]

Klenk, Michael, and Hanno Sauer. “Moral Judgement and Moral Progress: The Problem of Cognitive Control.” Philosophical Psychology. 34 (7): 938-61. [open access]

Sauer, Hanno. “Against Moral Judgment. The Empirical Case for Moral Abolitionism.” Philosophical Explorations. 24 (2): 137–54. [open access]


Eriksen, Cecilie. “Winds of Change: The Later Wittgenstein’s Conception of the Dynamics of Change.” Nordic Wittgenstein Review 9 (June): 79-105. [here]

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Eriksen, Cecilie. “The Dynamics of Moral Revolutions—Prelude to Future Investigations and Interventions.” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (3): 779–92. [here]

Sauer, Hanno. “Butchering Benevolence Moral Progress Beyond the Expanding Circle.” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (1): 153–67. [open access]

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