The Enemy of the Good. Towards a Theory of Moral Progress

Outreach (selection)


“Eine Frage des Anstands.” Interview with Hanno Sauer on ZDF Frühstücksfernsehen (in German; May 14, 2024)

“Umgang mit Krisen im Alltag–Philosoph Hanno Sauer im Gespräch.” Interview with Hanno Sauer on ZDF Volle Kanne (in German; Oct 26, 2023)

Woke, Safe Space & Co. Hanno Sauers Glossar der Kampfbegriffe.” Segment for SRF Kultur (in German; Oct 12, 2023)

“Sind wir zu moralisch, Hanno Sauer?” Interview with Hanno Sauer on Sternstunde Philosophie, SRF (in German; Oct 10, 2023)

“Moral. Die Erfindung von Gut und Böse.” Interview with Hanno Sauer on Massengeschmack TV (in German; July 4, 2023)

“Moral. Die Erfindung von Gut und Böse.” Interview with Hanno Sauer on Titel Thesen Temperamente, ARD (in German; June 19, 2023)

Radio & Podcasts

“Mein Jet, meine Yacht, keine Steuern? Was Reichsein bedeutet.” Interview with Hanno Sauer on hr’s Der Tag (in German; Feb 29, 2024)

“Wie ist unsere Moral entstanden?” Interview with Hanno Sauer on Podcast Geister (in German; Feb 11, 2024)

“The End of History (of Philosophy).” Interview with Hanno Sauer on Argue With Me Podcast (Jan 29, 2024)

“A History of Ethics.” Interview with Hanno Sauer on De Nieuwe Wereld (Dec 30, 2023)

“Moraliteit is geen wapen, waarschuwt deze filosoof. Hoe keren we terug naar wat ons verbindt?” Interview with Hanno Sauer on De Correspondent  (Dec 29, 2023)

Interview with Hanno Sauer on WDR 5–Das philosophische Radio (in German; Dec 18, 2023)

Hanno Sauer talks about his book “Moral Teleology. A Theory of Progress” on The Dissenter Podcast (Dec 14, 2023)

“Selbstverteidigung muss proportional zur Bedrohung sein.” Interview with Hanno Sauer on The Pioneer (in German; Nov 4, 2023)

“Warum gibt es die Moral, Werte und Normen, Hanno Sauer?” Interview on Podcast New Work im Neandertal (in German; Sept 2023)

“Die Erfindung der Moral.” Interview with Hanno Sauer on WDR 5 Redezeit (in German; Aug 1, 2023)

“Das bestimmt unsere Moral und Wertevorstellungen.” Interview with Hanno Sauer on SWR1 Leute (in German; July 7, 2023)

“Moral. Die Erfindung von Gut und Böse.” Interview with Hanno Sauer on RBB Radio 3 (in German; June 12, 2023)

“Über die Geschichte der Moral.” Interview with Hanno Sauer on Radio Eins (in German)

“Die Erfindung von Gut und Böse. Wie Moral entstanden ist.” Interview with Hanno Sauer on NDR Kultur (in German; June 5, 2023)

“Wie Moral die Gesellschaft einen kann.” Interview with Hanno Sauer on 3Sat Kulturzeit (in German; June 1, 2023)

“Woher kommen unsere Werte?” Interview with Hanno Sauer on Deutschlandfunk Kultur (in German; April 30, 2023)

Hanno Sauer talks about using empirical research to do philosophy, moral realism, human rationality, moral progress, and a bunch of other things on The Dissenter Podcast (Sept 30, 2020)


“Wer sich kooperativ verhält, wird auch mächtiger.” Interview with Hanno Sauer in Der Tagesspiegel (in German; Nov 22, 2023)

“Armut und Entbehrung als Normalzustand.” Interview with Hanno Sauer in ZDF Heute (in German; Sept 10, 2023)

“Jede Gesellschaft begeht die Grausamkeit, zu der sie technisch fähig ist.” Interview with Hanno Sauer in Bref Magazin (in German; Sept 8, 2023)

“Ohne Moral gäbe es nur Egomanen.” Interview with Hanno Sauer in Die Kleine Zeitung (in German; Aug 23, 2023)

“Hanno Sauer, filósofo: ‘Solo hacen falta 10.000 fascistas bien organizados para que se repita el Holocausto.‘” Interview with Hanno Sauer in El Periódico de España (in Spanish; July 17, 2023)

“Die Bösen sind nicht die anderen.” Interview with Hanno Sauer in ZeitZeichen (in German; July 2023)

“Ohne Sklaverei keine Moderne.” Interview with Hanno Sauer in Die Welt am Sonntag (in German; April 30, 2023)

“De nuttige mythe van morele vooruitgang.” Essay by Hanno Sauer in Filosofie Magazie (in Dutch; Aug 15, 2023)

Blogpost by Paul Rehren abut how stable moral judgments are over time on Imperfect Cognitions (Nov 8, 2022)

Blogpost by Hanno Sauer about his paper “The End of History” on Daily Nous (Sep 21, 2022)

Hanno Sauer features in a newspaper article in De Morgen about whether we have forgotten how to have a positive outlook on the future (in Dutch; July 17, 2022)

Essay by Cecilie Eriksen about Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus for Paradox. Tiddskrift for filosofi og teori (in Danish; Oct 7, 2021)

Cecilie Eriksen talks about her new book “Moral Change–Dynamics, Structure, and Normativity” with Turbulence (in Danish; March 11, 2021) and the Jyllands-Posten (in Danish; March 11, 2021)

Blogpost by Charlie Blunden about how to figure out if there has been moral progress on the Blog of the APA (Sept 6, 2021)

Hanno Sauer talks about why we are pessimistic about the future, but shouldn’t be with Trouw (Sept 22, 2020; in Dutch)

Essay by Hanno Sauer about the prospects of moral progress at BijNaderInzien (Dec 10, 2019)

Talks & Book Presentations

Hanno Sauer spoke at “Virtues and Vices,” a seminar organized by the Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation (April 18, 2024)

Hanno Sauer spoke at the Nacht van de Filosofie in Rotterdam (April 5, 2024) and Amsterdam (April 20, 2024)

Book reading and discussion with Hanno Sauer at Radboud Reflects, University of Nijmegen (March 19, 2024)

Hanno Sauer discussed his book “Moral. Die Erfindung von Gut und Böse” at the Mittagsgespräch “Moral” in Hamburg (Dec 12, 2023)

Book symposium with Hanno Sauer about his book “La invención del bien y del mal: Una nueva historia de la humanidadat the Universidad de Azuay, Ecuador (Oct 24, 2023)

Hanno Sauer talks about why we should all be optimistic about the prospects of moral progress for Studium Generale Utrecht (Sept 22, 2020)